Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hot and Humid

We are small family rabbitry located in Kansas. We have really enjoyed following our friends' blogs about their rabbits. So we decided to join them. We hope you enjoy our blog.

It is a typical July in Kansas. Yesterday was so humid! During morning feeding we discovered our little REW (Rudie) developed diarhhea overnight. We moved him inside and dosed him with Albon. This has saved many Hollands for us. Then we gave him some probiotics. We thought he would pull through. But he was gone by evening. We will really miss him! We have only had 4 REWs in the last 3 years. Our REWs have always been special and very spoiled.

The heat and humidity was so bad that we were concerned about our moms and their babies that are still in the nestboxes. We don't have air conditioning in the barn. We do have a solar attic fan and 2 floor fans to move air. But it was too humid. So we moved 4 moms and their litters to the basement yesterday. They are feeling much better now. We can rest easier knowing they are more comfortable.

We hope your bunnies are staying cool this summer.

Robin and Philip

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